Friday, July 27, 2007

Project-based teaching for science

As a new teacher last year, I leveraged some of my past experiences from the consulting and systems integration business. In that arena, one is constantly implementing project management principles when delivering a solution to a client.

I used some of that this past year in my teaching to see how students reacted and worked with assignments that were project based and research driven. It was a wonderful experience, and I plan to use it more extensively this year.

I was forwarded a great article on this and share it here.

1 comment:

mandi said...

I am very excited that my son will begin kindergarten for a school system that embraces 21st Century Learning. I know already that he loves hands on activities that allow him to move and arrive at conclusions through exploration. I hope science is a subject that he is naturally connected with in school. TCS is very fortunate to have a teacher like you!