Sunday, May 27, 2007

Global Warming

It wasn't until about 7 years ago, that I began to pay some attention to the discussion about 'global warming'. Unfortunately, the label is somewhat mis-leading because I believe the issue is the every growing population of the earth and the changes brought about by this growth.

We must admit that mankind has not been a good steward of this beautiful place God created, and therefore, we are reaping what we have sown. The changes taking place are evident in the animal kingdom and in nature itself. For example, one used to only see an armadillo in the southwest part of the U.S. This was because those areas provided a year round warm climate with no sub-freezing temperatures. Now, however, you can see armadillos as far north as my area and possibly further north than that. Nature certainly has changed significantly. When I was a child, you very seldom had severe hurricanes on the Gulf Coast that would affect the weather 250 miles inland. But now it seems that it is a yearly event.

In the first 30 years of my life, the world population grew to approximately 4 billion. It only took 20 years to increase to 6 billion. The strain that this is putting on earth is unbelievable. We must become better stewards of the precious resources we have.

1 comment:

mandi said...

Wow! I don't know much on this subject but that was a clear summary that I can digest and think about. I like you science guy!